iLEAPS early careers science will be led by a group of international scientists arranged as a committee. These people will report directly to the senior scientific steering committee. Other early career scientist can join the iLEAPS community as a general member and will also have opportunities to take part and help in iLEAPS organised events.
iLEAPS Early Career Committee and Membership Regulations

iLEAPS general membership
All members will now be part of a single, international iLEAPS community which is designed to integrate and build the collaboration of early careers scientists regardless of the region they are based or working in. Each region of iLEAPS will however naturally have a group of members that can volunteer to assist the early career committee to organise regional events. A page dedicated to these regional events will be shown on a separate page of the ILEAPS website and here you will find information on the members who are organising and running the regional events.
Key responsibilities of the iLEAPS Early Career Scientist Committee Members
To promote diversity and inclusion of all scientists regardless of gender, race, background or career stage within the iLEAPS community
To build and promote the growth of the early career network by facilitating early career collaborations in the field of biosphere-atmosphere interactions
Promote collaboration and networking of early career scientists and senior scientists within the iLEAPS network
To contribute to proposal writing for funding for future iLEAPS events such as workshops or conferences.
To help manage the iLEAPS website and social media pages to promote iLEAPS and other relevant early career events for the scientists working on iLEAPS relevant science.
Terms for joining the iLEAPS early career committee
To be able to build and provide the best network for iLEAPS early career scientists we will now require all committee members to be willing to commit to the following tasks:
Attend arranged skype meetings – meetings will be scheduled on a quarterly annual basis
To help in the running of the social media and website accounts
Produce two short blogs for the website per year relevant for early career scientists in the field of biosphere-atmosphere interactions
To help the committee team to secure funding for future workshops and events ensuring iLEAPS early career members have opportunities to network and build collaborations within the iLEAPS community with the support of the international early career committee members and the senior scientific steering committee.
How will new members join the Early Career Scientist Committee
The iLEAPS Early Careers Scientist Committee (ECSC) members are early career scientists selected from the international environmental research community. There will be a requirement for at least one person as a minimum to represent different regions, which includes: Europe, North America, Latin America, South East Asia and Pacific, South Asia and Middle East and Africa.
New iLEAPS ECSC members are appointed by the ECSC after an application process and will serve for a period of three years with the possibility of one renewal period. The chair of the ECSC will be selected by the committee using a voting system.
Voting in a new chair
The chair of the committee can serve for a period of 2 years before a new chair will need to be elected. Nominations for the new chair will be held in December with the aim for new chairs to be in place for the start of the new year. All potential future chairs must self nominate and a single vote will be cast by each committee member for their favoured person by sending an email to the ILEAPS IPO. The IPO will count the votes for each nominee and the person with the most votes will be appointed as the new chair of the committee. In the event of a draw, the committee members will cast a second vote for the two drawing members to determine the chair.
The ECSC guides the overall direction and development of the early careers network with guidance and permission of the scientific steering committee.
Responsibilities of the ECSN committee chairperson
To promote diversity and inclusion of all scientists regardless of gender, race, background or career stage within the iLEAPS community
To act as the point of contact between the early careers committee and the scientific steering committee and to gain approval of any planned early career activities in advance of the event
To be responsible for arranging the quarterly early career committee meetings and prepare an agenda in advance of the meeting
To fairly delegate tasks to committee members to achieve the wider iLEAPS goals
To provide the overall vision and tasks for the coming two years on how to engage early careers members in the iLEAPS network
To keep track of achievements and make an assessment of how the network could be improved in the future
Encouraging the promotion and wide awareness of iLEAPS amongst different communities such as policy and social sciences.